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Harmony Co-op: A Harmony of Health, Service, & Welcoming

Writer: Harmony CoopHarmony Coop

Updated: Dec 18, 2020


I want to thank you for coming to Harmony to shop and for entrusting us to serve your needs. Due to an ever deeper understanding of the COVID-19 duration, in conjunction with our commitment to serving you to the best of our abilities, I want to update our in-store policies and co-op values that create a Harmony in its truest definition.

Har-mo-ny, noun, defined as the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.

Let me first acknowledge that it is not easy work to maintain a harmonious melody but one that becomes clearer and more pleasant to our ears with practice…this is true at our store…and it is even more evident as we work hard to embrace and embody Harmony through a public pandemic. What we at Harmony do operationally to keep this pandemic melody as safe as possible is:

· We have asked any staff exhibiting symptoms of any viral infection to stay home and notify their physician.

· Staff are wearing masks on the retail floor providing it does not contraindicate a staff person’s health/wellness needs.

· High contact areas are sanitized hourly or as needed by staff, and a commercial cleaner cleans our retail and ancillary areas nightly.

· We have sanitizing wipes and/or (as supplies are available) hand sanitizer available at the entrance for you to wipe down your shopping cart. We have also installed several sanitizing wipe and/or hand sanitizing stations throughout the store for your use. Please utilize these safeguards particularly in areas of multiple use such as Bulk. Our staff is actively sanitizing touch points hourly throughout the store daily including multiple bathroom cleanings daily.

· Food grade gloves are provided throughout the store for added precaution if desired by customers and/or staff.

· Our Deli management team is ServSafe (advanced food safety training) trained and excellent food safety standards are maintained in the co-op kitchen. Gloves and masks are worn by all deli staff at all times.

· We have suspended all demos in the store.

· We have installed Plexiglass at all cashier location to provide better protection at close transaction points.

· We are asking that a physical distance of 6 feet between you and others be practiced throughout the store by customers and staff. We have installed green tape at the tills to indicate appropriate distancing while you wait in line.

· Another key helping point to aid in physical distancing is to utilize a single shopper approach when you come into the store to shop. This practice allows more households to shop in the store at a time and still honors physical distancing of 6ft.

· The Harmony Grocery Buddy Program has been serving customers daily and we encourage you to take advantage of that program if you identify as “highly vulnerable” to COVID-19 or may be exhibiting symptoms and are staying home. If you do not have a buddy that will pick up your groceries, we can bring your purchase out to your car.

· We have masks available for any shoppers who may need and do not have a mask for shopping. Masks donated by Bemidji Community Theater.

Operational procedure is our primary melody line; it is the musical progression that we have within our actions to “sing out” a strong clear message of service to you. In addition, we have our cooperative commitments to customer service and to embodying “Everyone Welcome”…those are the other notes in our chord progression that creates our harmony. We are here serving you, your neighbors, and our community visitors with varying needs, experiences, and even perspectives during a pandemic. Help us work towards a cooperative harmony that continues to hold up an example of a Harmony all of us can participate in living and singing!

Thank you – as always Harmony is stronger together!

Colleen Bakken, General Manager

1 Comment

Dec 05, 2024

Similarly, Kroger has been proactive in creating a safe and welcoming shopping experience through the Kroger Satisfaction Survey to help foster even better service! with measures like enhanced cleaning protocols, social distancing.

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