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Harmony Natural Food Cooperative Receives Grant for Local Energy Project Community-focused clean ene

Dan & the CERTs Crew

It is an energizing start to 2018 for Harmony Natural Food Cooperative in Bemidji who received a $3,000 Seed Grant from the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) today.

“We’re very excited to learn about the grant award,” said Colleen Bakken. “We can’t wait to get started on our project, Food Coop Lighting Upgrade.”

Harmony Natural Food Coop will upgrade existing lighting with energy efficient LEDs. Existing T-8 fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) nearing the end of their lifespan will be replaced (rewired/re-ballasted by an electrician) with 351 new LED lamps. This project is part of a comprehensive approach to Harmony’s commitment to reducing our energy use and our greenhouse gas footprint through building envelope and energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy, and community/business education and outreach. This project will reduce annual electricity consumption by approximately 24,581 kWh (18.3 metric tons of CO2).

The award is one of 39 grants given to innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in communities across Minnesota. These awards mark the ninth round of Seed Grants from the group, totalling over $1 million to 300 projects since 2006. A complete list of funded projects can be accessed at

“CERTs provides these Seed Grants with two primary objectives in mind,” said Lissa Pawlisch, CERTs Director. “First, to encourage implementation of community-based clean energy projects across the state. Second, to provide an educational forum for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and their economic, community, and ecological benefits.”



  • For Project: Colleen Bakken, 218-751-2009,

  • For CERTs: Dan Thiede, Communications Director, Clean Energy Resource Teams, 612-626-0556 or

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